Monday, December 26, 2016

© 2016 John D. Brey.
Contrary to how I'm being interpreted in the Can We Arrest our Prejudice thread, I'm not really suggesting the existence of racial superiority or inferiority. The difference between say Jews and Blacks is almost certainly not merely related to the genes that determine skin color, or the size of the penis, and such. The nature of the kinds of superiority or inferiority being examined clearly require a combination of genes and memes.

Take Jewish identity for instance. To be legally Jewish you only need a Jewish mother. But to be the full-package, you need to have a Jewish mother and Jewish memes. The Jewish mother provides the best soil for the harvesting of Jewish memes. Non-Jews can convert to Judaism, and thereby attempt to fertilize their soil in a manner that allows them to become fertile soil for Jewish memes.

It's memes and not genes that really determine superiority or inferiority of a people, nation, ethnicity, or religion.

So what's the relationship between genes and memes? That's the key to everything? ------ And to segue into the title of the thread the question would need to be asked concerning the possibility of a relationship between memes and the phallus? How could the phallus have a relationship to memes when quite the contrary it's the source of gender inequality, genetic difference, and patrilineal privilege?

Why do you suppose Jews privilege the Jewish womb, as the producer of Jewish soil, and bleed the phallus (brit milah) as the quintessential sign of Jewish memes? Jews literally (figuratively speaking) bleed the gene producer (the phallus) in order to transform it into a meme (the circumcision scar caused by bleeding the phallus is the meme representing the new world order to be established through Judaism).

Brit milah symbolizes the transformation of genetic authority (Gen. 3:16), both gender, and racial . . . into the emblem of memetic superiority: the bleeding of the organ of gender and racial authority to create a meme of a new world order circumscribed by the meme rather than the gene.

The very blood of bris milah represents the end of gender authority, or racial authority, and the beginning of a new world order ordered by those with a memetic-prosthesis where formerly there was only a gene producing phallus (Galatians 3:28). ----The circumcision-scar is a meme; the greatest meme manufactured since the casting down of the world (Gen. 2:21). It's manufactured by bleeding the source of genes, gender, and patrilineal privilege. A Jewish phallus transforms the authority of the gene into a meme that shatters the authority it (the meme) scathes.

At every bris, every participant is supposed to leave impregnated by the Jewish meme; which is a memetic-prosthesis implanted on the Gentile flesh. Symbolically, the Gentile flesh is removed, and the meme takes its place (prosthetically). Which is to say the only way to initiate the meme of brit milah (get it to function) is to cut through to the very bone of the Gentile gene-machine, and picture the scar as the prosthetic replacement (a prosthesis) of what was formerly the determination of power and authority in the nations.
In one sense this really is something like a phrenological-phallus-theology since anyone knowledgeable about Judaism is aware that the scar on the phallus is the "sign" or "symbol" of the essence of being Jewish. Circumcision is the paramount symbol of what being a Jew is all about. And if we examine the meaning of the scar, it's not difficult to see that it symbolizes the transference of what was once the domain of the gene, into the new world order of the meme (since a circumcised phallus is a meme). And what could symbolize that better than placing a scar on the organ associated with all genetic difference, racial privilege, or gender based authority?

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